In article <1995Mar22.131006.42022@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Randy 'Lerxst' Kaelber) writes:
> Ooo! Veddy Sceddy! That means you could do nasty things like telnet to v1,
> telnet to hal, telnet to v1, telnet to hal, telnet to phoenix, telnet to hal.
> ad nauseum until you just sort of ruled the gandalf.
Ohhh.. that's a good idea. Let's just give newbies all kinds of ways to bring
the system to its knees and post them in a FAQ to mu.vms. *rolls eyes*
Sorry, it just seemed a little crazy.
- - - - -
    "I'd rather believe that you were reacting to the fact that I didn't
     make a decision, rather than make a decision myself."-- Jason Baker