In article <1995Apr23.003013.44364@miavx1>, I wrote (in part):
> I actually recommend that URLs for Home Pages on MiaVX1 use
>                      http://MiaVX1.MUOhio.Edu/~username/
>                             ^^^^^^
> rather than
>                       http://WWW.MUOhio.Edu/~username/
>                              ^^^
> since WWW.MUOhio.Edu is an alias rather than the actual machine name.
> I have consciously and carefully only used
>                           http://WWW.MUOhio.Edu/...
> URLs for accounts and items I know would relocate from MiaVX1 to another
> platform along with the WWW alias, *if* that were ever to happen.
To avoid possible misunderstanding, let me clarify that if your individual
WWW pages point to Miami University's Home Page, then you should in fact use
the URL by which it identifies itself:
rather than the machine-specific http://MiaVX1.MUOhio.Edu, since that page
will always reside on whatever machine is then the primary WWW server for
the University and bears the WWW.MUOhio.Edu alias.
> While it is unlikely that WWW.MUOhio.Edu and MiaVX1.MUOhio.Edu will be
> different machines anytime soon, it seems wise to play it safe and point
> at the actual machine (MiaVX1) that won't change rather than the alias
> (WWW) which might.
The University's Home Page would move with the WWW alias;  individual and
departmental Home Pages hosted on MiaVX1 would not.
                                John B Harlan
             Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
                         Miami University (Ohio USA)
        (513) 529-5330     (513) 529-1496 fax     [log in to unmask]