I am trying to send a file to another site. I FTP into my account there and
start the transfer with the SEND command. Everything goes fine, except that
after a while I get logged out for being idle too long (after 300 seconds I
think). The file's transferring fine to that point, but then it cancels and
I get logged out (of the other system). Is there any way to prevent this?
Also, how do I upload files via zmodem? I'm already set up for it, and use
it for downloading, but I can't get it to upload anything. I type rz, then
send the file. But it always either freezes or starts and ends the transfer
real quick, giving me a message saying the device is not configured right
or is unavailable (I am using the zmodem protocal to send...).
Thanks in advance for any help here.
Robert E. Williams, Jr.    [log in to unmask]
Macintosh Developer       [log in to unmask]
Enterprise Software
Recursion: If you got the point, stop, else see Recursion
Infinite Recursion: See Infinite Recursion