[log in to unmask] (Brian J. Bernstein) writes:
>   I was wondering how redirection is supported in VMS.. I would like to take
> directory and dump it to a text file. In DOS, it would be DIR >DIRFILE.TXT
> so how about VMS?
> Thanks..
> Brian J. Bernstein                == Amiga 2500/030/882 25MHz Quantum 105MB
> [log in to unmask] == 1MB Chip, 2MB 16bit fast, 4MB 32bit fast
> http://phoenix.sas.muohio.edu/    == A2286 w/Boca Super X VGA 1MB    A1960
>     users/bernstbj/www/Brian.html == USRobotics v.Everything 28,800
Try this:
to use the same filenames as your above DOS example.
Check out HELP DIRECTORY /OUTPUT for more.
Aaron D. Yonka
[log in to unmask]          [log in to unmask]