In article <1995Mar31.144304.42728@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Miami
University's CWIS) wrote:
>      The procedure for creating a World Wide Web home page in any account
> on the DEC OpenVMS system in Oxford (MiaVX1) is documented online at URL:
>      http://WWW.MUOhio.Edu/~CWIS/CWIS/WWWSetUp_info.html
                                   ^^^^^ <- eliminated
The URL became a little shorter this weekend, with one less directory level
to wade through:
> or by taking the following path from the Miami University home page
> (WWW.MUOhio.Edu):
>      About Miami University Campus Information
>           Providing Campus Information
>                WWWSetUp
This path still works :-)
              Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS)
                    Miami University (Ohio USA)
                          [log in to unmask]