In article <1995May9.092112.45169@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Micah James Cooper) writes:
> Ahh! Cool, thanks (I had acquired 50000 and was working in the temp dir,
> but I forgot about the temp files). Is there a way to script it so when
> starting lynx it checks for the existance of a temp dir and if so, sets
> the scratch dir to it?
It was even worse when it used to just crash on you; at least now it cleans
up after itself.
Anyway, I don't know if you can have lynx do it automatically (Kent?), but
I wrote a small program that I use to acquire space and change the temp
settings. This's probably not the best way to do it, but it works for me.
Here's what I did:
1.) Create a new file (I'll call it GETSPACE.COM, but it doesn't really
2.) Store in the file the following commands:
$ acquire 50000
$ cd temp
$ define sys$scratch temp
3.) Add the following line to your LOGIN.COM file (create the file if
$ getspace :== sys$
That's all there is to it. Now to acquire space, type
$ getspace
instead of acquire, cd, etc. It's quicker, and it changes the temp setting
for you. If you already have space, you'll get an error message saying to
use acquire/extend but don't worry about it. Temp will still be your
current directory and the temp files will still be stored there.
Hope this helps.
Robert E. Williams, Jr.    [log in to unmask]
Macintosh Developer       [log in to unmask]
Enterprise Software
Recursion: If you got the point, stop, else see Recursion
Infinite Recursion: See Infinite Recursion