In article <1995Jun18.190654.46620@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(March Hare) wrote:
> Interesting concept.  However, since VMS only supports uppercase
> filenames, filenames with only one period, etc, does the filename
> show up correctly on the Macintosh side, or does it show up as
> something like $T$HIS$5O$H$AS$5O$M$IXED$5N$L$ETTERS.HQX instead
> of "This Has Mixed.Letters.hqx" ?
The file names display in uppercase on the OpenVMS side and in mixed
case on the Mac side.  The only difference I've noticed is that Mac
file names containing spaces get changed;  the file name on MiaVX1
must be a continuous string.  For instance, if I have a file on my
Mac desktop named "Untitled Test Document," when I drag it onto my
mounted MiaVX1 volume and it gets copied into my account, OpenVMS
names it "Untitled_Test_Document.;1" replacing spaces with underline
> John
> --
> Best excuse:  I can't take out the garbage right now,
> I have to feed the computer.
                                John B Harlan
             Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
                         Miami University (Ohio USA)
        (513) 529-5330     (513) 529-1496 fax     [log in to unmask]