Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS) Technical Support has
identified and corrected a problem involving non-delivery of BITNET mail
on the DEC OpenVMS system in Oxford (MiaVX1).
     Last Wednesday (14 June), MCIS switched MiaVX1's mail delivery from
using batch queues to using server queues.  This change has improved
overall mail delivery performance on MiaVX1.
     One undocumented (and until this morning, unknown) requirement of the
switch from batch to server queues was the restart of the process that
delivers BITNET mail to accounts on MiaVX1.  While Internet mail to and
from MiaVX1.MUOhio.Edu has been flowing smoothly for the past week, BITNET
mail to MiaVX1 has been accumulating in a queue awaiting restart of its
delivery process.
     Upon investigation of reports of missing incoming BITNET mail, this queue
was located this morning, the BITNET delivery process was restarted, and the
waiting mail messages were delivered in short order.  (The incoming BITNET
mail queue consisted of approximately 1,000 messages.  By comparison, incoming
Internet messages, which constitute the lion's share of electronic mail at
Miami, numbered approximately 16,000.)
     MCIS regrets any inconvenience this event may have caused, and has taken
steps to prevent its recurrence.
                                John B Harlan
             Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
                         Miami University (Ohio USA)
        (513) 529-5330     (513) 529-1496 fax     [log in to unmask]