In article <1995Jun30.110857@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dennis S.
Keeler) writes:
[follow-up upon follow-up deleted]
>         Sorry to followup up to myself, but now I know I'm not hallucinating.
> set my modem down to 2400 (ugh) to see the phenomena more clearly. Sure
> old news moved 17 lines up, then slowly typed 1 line at the bottom. New news
> slowly typed 18 lines. Maybe you can't see the difference, Kent, because your
> connection is fast enough to hide the problem. Hopefully, you can find the
> problem, but if not, I suggest Miami give us all Ethernet connections in the
> next few weeks. :)
Here's something curious I noted.  If one is reading a particular post and
moves down one line, it moves everything up and writes in the new line at the
bottom, just like before.  Being one of those who is forced to use an antique
2400 bps modem, I sincerely hope that you can use this information to fix the
        |   Donald P. Gallogly               Miami Univ. of Oxford Ohio   |
        |   [log in to unmask]  Experimental Psychology      |
        |   [log in to unmask]          Cognitive and Vision Science |