In article <1995Jul11.165750@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dave
Munday) wrote:
> I had a problem the other day exiting news with my quota being exceeded.
> I spawned out of news and looked around to see what was taking up the space.
> I had a number or files NEWS_*.tmp some of which were LARGE.
> This was what had exceeded my quota.
> How can I avoid this problem?
MCIS Technical Support has just corrected this problem by adding a fix to
the NNTP newsreader software that uses ACQUIREd temporary space for NetNews-
related tmp files.  If anyone encounters any unusual NetNews behavior
(related to this fix or otherwise), please let us know.  Thanks!
                                John B Harlan
             Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
                         Miami University (Ohio USA)
        (513) 529-5330     (513) 529-1496 fax     [log in to unmask]