In article <1995Jun30.105701@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dennis S.
Keeler) writes:
> In article <1995Jun30.094104@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Kent
Covert) writes:
>> In article <1995Jun29.171055@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(M.C.Mastilak) writes:
>>>   Not that I'm complainin', but the new NEWS scrolls a LOT more slowly than
>>> the old...Is this my problem, or something inherent in the new connection?
>> Hmmm....
>> I'm not sure what might be causing this.  I can't see a difference on my
>> terminal.  It is slightly possible, though, that the change I made this
>> morning to fix the problem with the REPLY command could have sped scrolling
>> up.
>         No, I can see the problem too. This is my impression of what is
> happening. I don't know if VT emulation can do this, but it seemed with the
> news, the terminal would "remember" 17 lines of messages and then move them
> and put one new line at the bottom. Now the new news seems to reprint all 18
> lines. It has the same visual effect and speed of typing "down 18" in the old
> (or new) news.
>         I hope this makes sense. Perhaps scrolling is just plain slower, so I
> can see the visual effect of retyping 18 lines. Don't know.
        Sorry to followup up to myself, but now I know I'm not hallucinating. I
set my modem down to 2400 (ugh) to see the phenomena more clearly. Sure enough,
old news moved 17 lines up, then slowly typed 1 line at the bottom. New news
slowly typed 18 lines. Maybe you can't see the difference, Kent, because your
connection is fast enough to hide the problem. Hopefully, you can find the
problem, but if not, I suggest Miami give us all Ethernet connections in the
next few weeks. :)
Dennis S. Keeler                |  "Greater love has no one than this, that
Miami University                |    he lay down his life for his friends."
[log in to unmask]        |                       -John 15:13, NIV