In article <1995Jul31.151843@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] ( ) writes:
> In article <1995Jul31.103653@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dennis S
. Keeler) writes:
>>         Somehow news messages which shouldn't be there are being appended to
>> other news messages. In other words, when I read a certain news message, the
>> first 50 lines or so will be the actual message. Then after that, there's
>> another large message appended, which doesn't appear to be by the original
>> author. See #950 and comp.sys.mac.scitech #1629 for an
>> example.
>>         Is this a problem on our side, or with the original posters?
> This is happening in rec.pets.cats too.
Also in rec.aviation.homebuilt.
Dave Munday  -  [log in to unmask]
PP-ASEL  -  Tandem Flybaby Builder  -  EAA-284 (Waynesville, OH) Pres.
Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who do not.