In article <1995Aug1.194412@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dennis S. K
eeler) writes:
> In article <1995Aug1.153536@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dennis S.
 Keeler) writes:
>>         Is it doing any good for us to post examples here? I'm happy to do it
>> if it helps, but I don't want to waste my time and yours by saying message XX
>> in newsgroup alt.xyzzy is messed up.
>>         In case it does help, it has happened again in messages #972,973,
> 977,978,980
>         comp.sys.mac.scitech 1641
I think it's happening in all the newsgroups.  I hope someone figures this out
quickly.  I don't exactly want to reply to anyone with this going on.
  'Yes, sir.'  Sharpe knew it would be pointless to mention that the rules,
orders, and regulations were made by the privileged.  It had always been so,
and always would."
Bernard Cornwell, Sharpe's Company, p. 104