A question to gurus:
I have a vax account at University.  While away from school for a semester
(internship) I have been working in Lexington.  I did find a ph# which throws
me in University of Kentucky telnet facility.  Thus I do not have to pay long
distance charges in order to check my mailbox in Ohio. But I have no clue about
the appropriate procedures with regards to transfering files between 3
Miami Vax ( account in Oxford, OH ), University of Kentucky telnet provider, and
my laptop from which I connect through modem ( 14.4 ) from my appartment to
telnet provider.
I've got to admit, I am a layman.  Please do not RTFM me.  A detailed
explanation in a laymen language with examples would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I would appreciate if you could give me the names of publications
pertinent to this topic.
Thank you in advance.