In article <1995Oct29.124937@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (R.E. Willi
ams, Jr.) writes:
> Hello,
> I am trying to write a program that will alow me to use an alias with the
> SEND command. To do this, I am trying to modify a program that Kent Covert
> gave me a while back that lets you use aliases with the FINGER command. It
> sort of works, but it only sends the first word of the message. It also
You don't really need a program to do this.  Just add lines to your LOGIN.COM
file that read like this:
$ define nickname userid
For example, suppose I have the line in my LOGIN.COM
$ define bill gatesb
If, for some unknown reason, I wanted to send a message to gatesb, I just type:
$ send bill "Hello, Mr. Gates."
Or, of course, I could just type
$ send bill
and type text at the (MIAVX1)GATESB:  prompt.  No quotes needed in this mode.
I hope this is somewhat helpful.
Aaron D. Yonka
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