I'm finally starting to get somewhere with my web page. But I am
encountering access problems with one file. I copied it from another file
that works fine (and is in the same directory), and its privileges look the
same under DIR /PROT, but whenever I try to access it though a link, I get
the following error:
-ERROR-(403):  Access to object is _ruled_ out.  [Seems a little harsh....]
Requested method: GET
Requested URL:    /mmac/tenarticles.html/
I can access it diretly, just not through a link. What do I need to do to
use this file? And just what do the privileges need to be set at? I have
given the world read access....
On a related note (somewhat at least), I am trying to define a new command
in my login.com file so that it brings up my own home page instead of
Miami's. I am doing it like this:
$ define web :== www http://miavx1.acs.muohio.edu/~williar2/personal.html
But when I try to use it, it acts as if it never executed a define...
saying to make sure I spelled it right, etc. I've defined about a dozen
other commands the same way... why won't this one work?
Robert E. Williams, Jr. | The computer programmer's worst nightmare:
Macintosh Developer     |
Enterprise Software     |     Unwittingly finding compiler bugs.
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