In article <1995Nov7.083549@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Kent
 Covert) writes:
> In article <1995Nov6.095120@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (R.E.
 Williams, Jr.) writes:
>> I can access it diretly, just not through a link. What do I need to do to
>> use this file? And just what do the privileges need to be set at? I have
>> given the world read access....
> I'm not sure.  It works for me when I try the command:
>     $ www
It works for me like that, too, just not when I try to access it from
another page... very odd.
> First, you don't want the define command.  This would create a logical.
> You want to create a symbol.
I knew that... and I didn't use DEFINE in my file. I have no idea
why I wrote it like that in here... I guess because I had just said I was
trying to "define a new command"... got me thinking about DEFINE. Now I
feel like a dunce.... :-)
> Secondly, redefining WWW is a little different from redefining other
> commands.  This is because WWW is not really a command, it's a symbol.  You
> can see this by issuing the command SHOW SYMBOL WWW.
I discovered the trickery behind WWW when I issued the SET VERIFY and then
tried WWW... interesting.
> The problem comes in that the system does not dereference symbols
> recursively - it only does it once!  Therefore, when you issue the
> 'command' WEB, the system dereferences this to:
>     www
> The system then tries to execute this, but it doesn't go back through the
> dereferencing process on the symbol www and therefore fails because there
> is no command called WWW.
That would explain it, and also explains why using a single quote solves my
Thanks for your help, as always.
Robert E. Williams, Jr.         |                [log in to unmask]
Macintosh Developer             |               [log in to unmask]
Enterprise Software             |  
"I think computer viruses should count as life... I think it says something
about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely
destructive. We've created life in our own image."
                                                      --Dr. Stephen Hawking