In article <1995Nov7.162112@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (R.E. Willia
ms, Jr.) writes:
> In article <1995Nov7.155728@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (R.E. Will
iams, Jr.) writes:
>> In article <1995Nov7.083549@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Kent Cov
ert) writes:
>>> In article <1995Nov6.095120@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (R.E. Wi
lliams, Jr.) writes:
>>> The problem comes in that the system does not dereference symbols
>>> recursively - it only does it once!  Therefore, when you issue the
>>> 'command' WEB, the system dereferences this to:
>>>     www
>>> The system then tries to execute this, but it doesn't go back through the
>>> dereferencing process on the symbol www and therefore fails because there
>>> is no command called WWW.
>> That would explain it, and also explains why using a single quote solves my
>> problem....
> I seem to have a developed a habit of following up on my on posts....
> Anyway, I made that small change, and now I'm getting a different error.
> When I try it, I get the following error message:
> lynx: Can't access start file
> Yet, I can turn around and do it manually with no problem... what gives? Am
> I just not meant to be able to do this? I'm beginning to miss the good ol'
> double-click-on-the-URL-I-dragged-to-the-desktop-from-Netscape more and
> more....
You've got to be careful about the way WWW is defined.  URLs are partially
case-sensitive.  The "http" part MUST be in lowercase.  Since, VMS likes to
uppercase everything not in quotation marks, we had to do some strange
things to get VMS to leave it in lower case (particularly the "" at the end
of the WWW definition).  Make sure you set your WEB symbol up in such a way
that it places the URL in quotation marks.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]