In article <1995Oct31.024639@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (R.E. Willi
ams, Jr.) writes:
> Thanks a lot for all the info--now I have something new to play with. :-)
> Now I'm wondering... what is a source for this information? Would any of
> Miami's libraries have a VMS programming manual (I must be crazy to think
> they might...)?
OK, I may be on the other side of the state, but I couldn't let this one
slide.  :-)
Did you check SHERLOCK?  I found 12 entries with the subject "VAX/VMS".  One
of them was "VAX/VMS : concepts and facilities", which might be
appropriate for what you are trying to do.  Can't find it at Miami?  Hit
the "U" key to transfer the search to the OhioLINK central catalog, and
you'll find 31 entries in the state.  Requesting one of them is only a
keystroke away ("G", to be exact).
And you thought I was really gone...
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Peter Murray, Senior Systems Analyst                       [log in to unmask]
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