In article <1996Jan26.081425@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Kent Cover
t) writes:
> In article <1996Jan26.024114@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] writes
>> Question:
>>         What's up with the nntp server?  All of the newsgroups which I read
>> only have a couple new messages in them -- usually they have dozens per days.
>> Anyone know what is happening?
> We're supposed to receive redundant newsfeeds from 2 locations:  Ohio State
> and OarNet.  After looking at the logs, it appears that we haven't received
> any news from Ohio State in a while (at least a week).  It also appears
> that OarNet's feed has been reduced to just a trickle.
> I'll put a call into both of these groups this morning to see if I can
> figure out what's going on.
> What this newsgroup for more information as it becomes available.
After checking with Ohio State, I've found that they have halted our feed.
Apparantly, feeding us was becoming too big of a burden for their systems.
The feed from Ohio State was a redundant feed (mirrored by the feed from
OarNet) so I don't expect many reprecusions from this.
The feed from OarNet seems to be getting better.  I haven't gotten in touch
with anyone there yet.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]