RE: Things are out of control !
OK, you are nervous, easy to anger, see mountains in every mole hill, quick
to blame others, resentful, feel your life, body, family, community, nation
is out of control - join the crowd..
The American People experience:
They are out-of-touch, disconnected, jerked around, reactive, greedy,
slothful, covetous, horny, fearful, selfish, The nine " defensive positions"
from the Enneagram  ( "What Really Matters" Tony Schwartz)
So take a couple of deep breaths and relax, think positive - take up
running, improve your diet, will that get rid of, exorcise the demons ?
Sense of Direction
(Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-Cybernetics)
Calm, focused, centered, grounded, proactive, empowerment
The demons are not so easily appeased and driven off - There seems to be no
quick fix. There is a long history of "positive self image" from Dale
Carnegie, to Steven Covey, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Wayne Dyer, Norman
Vincent Peel to Nightingale, Dennis Woley, Bishop Sheen.  William Glasser
"Control Theory and Reality Therapy" suggests that:
If you keep doing what you do
You keep getting what you get
if you don't know where you are going you end up somewhere else
The art of government has the same root in semantics as
cybernetics ( Dr. Norbert Wiener 1948 ) in the concept of the steersman on
the ship of state - guidance of the Polis to safe harbor. The internal
control system either can be on auto pilot or under conscious control and
direction. How much can training and education, positive images and
experiences replace infant programming ?
So how much control do we have ? Are we responsible - control our ability to
respond ? Do we really have choices ? Things - institutions, politics,
communities, values, families, business, money, congress are "out of their
minds" , living in a dream world, walking in their sleep ? ( Or is it just
my over active imagination ?)
TOO BIG - TOO MUCH CHANGE - TOO FAST and there is nothing we can do about it
! We can never understand the relationship between ourselves and the
universals ?
There are many simple actions that will make our lives and our schools, or
families, or communities, or nation better but be are frozen - unable to move -
First we need the sense to make sense - the freedom to make choices - I have
said for years - first you need a system capable of reform - then reform
will happen. Public Education as now structured so as to be incapable of
reform, so is the national political process, so are most of us.
SYNERGY-NET on is where YOU can
collaborate with the future using Interactive Education and Training on your
own Web pages. Join, Beta Testers free.
** Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-9609
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** Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-9609
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