Thayne Andersen wrote (with snips):
>I am compiling all the information that I can get my hands on that
>pertains to how organized religion, particularly Christian, has responded
>to issues relating to beverage alcohol.
>If anyone knows of publications put out over the years by specific
>churches that I could include in my database, I would appreciate hearing
>about what you might have.
Thayne, If they're available to you, take a look at the tables of contents of
early volumes of the _Quarterly Journal on Studies of Alcohol_ for good stuff
relating to your questions--including, in particular:  Benson Y. Landis, "A
Survey of Official Church Statements on Alcoholic Beverages," QJSA 6(4):515-539,
Cheers!  Ron
Ron Roizen
voice:  510-848-9123       1818 Hearst Ave.        dulce est
fax:    510-848-9210       Berkeley, CA 94703      desipere
home:   510-848-9098       U.S.A.                  in loco
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