>         OK, I have had this problem for awhile, and I finally decided to post
> about it.  I Connect to the VAX at 14.4, 8-bit so I can use Z-modem protocol.
> I get about 1500-1600 bps with flow/error control, but after 150k of data has
> been downloaded, I get errors, everything freezes and I have to disconnect.
> Later, I was told that this was due to the GANDALF data switch, and not the
> VAX.  I was under the impression that at 14.4, data transfers to your home
> computer are faster than GANDALF can get the data from the VAX due to the
> increased user load.  Therefore, once the 150k buffer on GANDALF is depleated,
> everything locks up.
  I'm not providing a solution to this problem, but I have encountered the same
thing before. However, you mention that you have to disconnect.. This is not
nessecarily true; I have many times been able to successfully wake up the VAX
after a lock-up with a simple BREAK (not Ctrl-C, but the serial line break ala
the SD light is on for .5 seconds) followed by a Control-C or two..
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