Update:  Printing Services Move
Resumption of public printing services originally planned for Monday,
May 20th, has been (unavoidably) delayed until Tuesday, May 28th
(barring other, unforseen, technical difficulties). Line printer and
(four color) 3270 plotter output from MiamiU & MiaVX1 (the Digital
OpenVMS system) will be available for pickup in 130 Gaskill on that
MCIS will post further service details in system log messages
and in both the system NetNews newsgroups, MU.comp.os.OpenVMS and
MU.comp.os.VM-CMS. Please contact the MCIS Help Desk via electronic
mail at [log in to unmask] or phone at 529-7900 for assistance with
printing alternatives if output is needed prior to May 28th.
Again, MCIS sincerely regrets the inconvenience this service
disruption causes.
  Lisa Ehrichs, Data Support Analyst     Voice:        (513)529-6231
  Miami Computing & Information Services   Fax:             529-1705
  22d Hughes                              Mail:  [log in to unmask]
  Miami University   Oxford, OH 45056