In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (Chr
is Carman) writes:
> Just wanted to ask if the ability to do <!-- #exec file="" --> within
> a web site is ever going to be implemented on the OpenVMS.  We already have
> <!-- #include file="filename.ext" --> and <!-- #echo ... -->, and I'd really
> like to run random scripts within my web pages, especially "You are the nth
> person to access this site today!".  Thanks!
This is something I'd like to do, but it isn't going to happen very soon.
The code to make this work is fairly complicated and I'm pretty saturated
right now with other projects.
I might be able to get to this later in the semester or maybe next
semester, but I can't promise anything.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]