ATHG Members:
I'm happy to announce that the new double issue of _Social History of
Alcohol Review_ (No. 32-33, 1996) was mailed on this past Saturday,
If you are a U.S. or Canadian ATHG member and have not received your
copy by the first of next year, please let me know and I'll check our
mailing list to be sure you were sent one.  European and other
non-North American ATHG members may have to wait a little--but
hopefully not too much--longer.
What to look forward to in the new issue?
ONE "News & Notes" section:  On recent and upcoming events of interest
to members.
TWO letters from ATHG/SHAR officers:  SHAR's Editor, Scott Haine, and
ATHG's President, Pat Prestwich.
THREE original articles: Bill Rorabaugh's engaging "Alcohol History:
Personal Reflections," Marion Nestle's illuminating history of official
U.S. nutritional guidelines re alcohol ("Alcohol Guidelines for Chronic
Disease Disease Prevention: From Prohibition to Moderation"), and,
finally, John Seeley's daring attempt at futurism, written in 1958, re
the probable achievements of alcohol science by the 20th-century's end,
introduced by Robin Room.
SEVEN book reviews: Baumohl reviews Burham's *Bad Habits*, Malcolm
reviews the new edition of Harrison's *Drink and the Victorians*,
Girrard reviews Shiman's "Women and Leadership in Nineteeth-Century
England*, Berridge reviews Lanier's *Absinthe, The Cocaine of the
Nineteenth Century*, Unrau reviews Mancall's *Deadly Medicine: Indians
and Alcohol in Early America*, Tyrrell review Noel's *Canada Dry:
Temperance Cruseades before Confederation*, and Fahey reviews Gutzke's
*Alcohol in the British Isles from Roman Times to 1996: An Annotated
There is an "In Memoriam" tribute to Mark Keller.  And, of course, a
"Current Literature" section.
I'd like in particular to draw ATHG members' attentions to a notice on
page 5 of the new issue--which calls upon many of us to send in our
annual dues (US$15 for North American individual members and US$20 for
non-North American and libraries/institutions).  Many ATHG members are
behind on both 1995/1996 and 1996/1997 dues.  Checks (made out to
"ATHG") may be sent to my address, below.  Every response to the notice
in SHAR (and this one) will save ATHG the mailing and labor cost of
individual billings early next year.
ATHG-L subscribers who are not ATHG members can get a copy of the new
*SHAR* by joining the Alcohol & Temperance History Group.  Once again,
checks should be made out to "ATHG" (drawn in US dollars only, please)
may be sent to my address, below.
Good reading!  And, please, a big round of applause for Scott!
Ron Roizen
Secretary-Treasurer, ATHG
Ron Roizen
voice:  510-848-9123
fax:    510-848-9210
home:   510-848-9098
1818 Hearst Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94703
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