The network part (STREAM) of the Oxford OpenVMS Cluster experienced
problems today, Saturday, December 7, 1996.
User's may have experienced any or all of the following throughout the day
on Saturday:
    - slow login times
    - performance lags
    - errors accessing WWW pages ("insufficient resource on remote node")
    - slow/no access to Ph
    - slow/no access to News
    - delays in receiving mail addressed to [log in to unmask]
The network part of the cluster was rebooted at around 5:00pm and returned
to full service by around 5:30pm.
Digital Equipment Corporation has been asked to help in investigating the
problem.  More information will be posted to the mu.comp.openvms newsgroup
as it becomes available.
MCIS apologizes for this inconvenience.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]