Because I'm getting a new computer and I won't have local net access over
break, I won't be able to check my mail very often. Eudora is capable of
running a filter on mail tha auto-replys to it (using a message you specify) if
it meets certain criteria, but I can't use Eudora, since not only can I not
leave Eudora running on my computer over break, but the computer won't even be
here because it is getting replaced. Is there some way to do the same thing
from VMS? What I'm looking to do is send a reply to all mail that comes in
saying something like, "Sorry, I'm not here for a few weeks. Please....". But I
don't want to do this with list mail, since the reply would go to the list in
most cases (and I don't really want to unsubscribe from the lists then
resubscribe). Is this possible in VMS? If not, does anyone have any other