In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] wrote:
>Because I'm getting a new computer and I won't have local net access over
>break, I won't be able to check my mail very often. Eudora is capable of
>running a filter on mail tha auto-replys to it (using a message you specify) if
>it meets certain criteria, but I can't use Eudora, since not only can I not
>leave Eudora running on my computer over break, but the computer won't even be
>here because it is getting replaced. Is there some way to do the same thing
>from VMS? What I'm looking to do is send a reply to all mail that comes in
>saying something like, "Sorry, I'm not here for a few weeks. Please....". But I
>don't want to do this with list mail, since the reply would go to the list in
>most cases (and I don't really want to unsubscribe from the lists then
>resubscribe). Is this possible in VMS? If not, does anyone have any other
Well, I know that there's a little utility on entropy, the Miami Unix
Collective's interactive system, called vacation, that will respond to (I
think) all email with a message that you write.  I would guess there ought
to be something similar on MIAVX1, but I don't know.  Kent is on vacation
today, but hopefully he'll respond soon.  Hmmm...  Maybe I'll call John