In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
(Chris Carman) wrote:
> In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
>(John B Harlan) writes:
>> On 31 December 1996 (Tuesday), BITNET will pass into history after 15
>> years of service.
>>         Interactive communication between users of MiamiU or MiaVX1
>>         and other BITNET-connected systems using the TELL and SEND
>>         commands, respectively, will no longer be available, and
>>         will be replaced by use of e-mail messages.
> Whoa, so if I type:
> $ send harlanjb hey, what's up?
> it won't work anymore?  Just curious.
SEND and TELL will both still work on MiaVX1 and MiamiU, respectively, and
between MiaVX1 and MiamiU for as long as RSCS communication is maintained
between those two systems.  But you will no longer be able to SEND and TELL
to other sites outside Miami University.
          Miami University
          John B Harlan
          Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
          Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS) Client Services
          137 Hoyt Hall
          Oxford, Ohio 45056-1618
          (513) 529-5330 voice  (513) 529-5058 fax
          [log in to unmask]