Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS) Technical Support will be
performing system maintenance upgrades on the Digital OpenVMS cluster in Oxford
(MiaVX1) this Sunday, 5 January 1997.  These maintenance upgrades include:
     *  PMDF 5.0 to 5.1
        PMDF is the mail delivery facility for Miami's OpenVMS systems, and
        includes the standard supported mail package (PMDF Mail) and
        alternative unsupported mail package (Pine).  This upgrade moves
        Pine from version 3.91 to 3.95.
     *  Multinet 3.4 to 4.0
        Multinet is the TCP/IP suite for Miami's OpenVMS systems.
        For detailed information, issue this command at the $ prompt:
             TYPE/PAGE Sys$Help:Multinet040.Release_Notes
     *  DEC C 5.0 to 5.5
        DEC C is Digital's C compiler.
        For detailed information, issue this command at the $ prompt:
             TYPE/PAGE Sys$Help:CC055.Release_Notes
     *  DEC C++ 5.0 to 5.4
        DEC C++ is Digital's C++ compiler.
        For detailed information, issue this command at the $ prompt:
             TYPE/PAGE Sys$Help:Cxx054.Release_Notes
These maintenance upgrades will take place while the MiaVX1 cluster (Ocean, Sea
and Stream) is unavailable between 8am and 5pm on Sunday, 5 January.
          Miami University
          John B Harlan
          Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
          Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS) Client Services
          137 Hoyt Hall
          Oxford, Ohio 45056-1618
          (513) 529-5330 voice  (513) 529-5058 fax
          [log in to unmask]