Well, as soon as I noticed that the little machine I normally run from
(Dec 3000) was running a little slow, I decided to find where the problem
is.  I would like to say I am sick of sprint jerking us around with our
routing.  I tried telnetting to indiana, was (slowly) routed to atlanta,
then finally to indiana, but that connection was semi-stable (once you
make it to oeb6-atm6-0.columbus.oar.net (which was down or extremely busy
for a few hours).  Also, the Washington-WillowSprings was down (I don't
remember where I was going, but probably California), and then it looked
like sprintlink had the hiccups.  As it all stands as of three seconds
ago, I can telnet to maryland with little or no problems, so maybe they
have it all fixed.
  Anyway, that is my travel log and you can believe as much of it as you
Rob Wilson
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