Robert G. Wilson ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: While this is true, it has been my experience that when a router goes
: down, that is the one they will link you to.  (You can bank on it).
: Also, the route does not seem to change all that often, ideally you are
: supposed to be routed around slower machines (or broken machines), but
: unless you pay Sprint/MCI for this service, you are stuck with what you
: get.  (A friend of mine can make it to california in 7-9 hops while I get
: close to 20, he pays sprint)
        I don't understand what you are saying.  Miami's net connection
goes from Oxford to Colombus.  In Colombus, OAR-Net has two connections to
SprintNet - one in DC, the other in Atlanta.  In the near future, OAR-Net
will be adding another link to Chicago, which will be spread across 2 or 3
network providers to offer a greater guarantee of connectivity.  You can't
buy "Priority Routing" or anything like that.