>       With the increasing cost of supporting centralized campus servers
> (primarily the IBM 480), MCIS recently underwent an internal evaluation of
> services provided, specifically the phaseout of the VM/CMS machine, and
> the migration of services to UNIX hosts and desktop computers.  As far as
I never could figure out that VM/CMS...but then again, I like the command
line and a tree-based file system not $SYS_USERS[004.UND][GREERGA.WWW].
IMHO /home/student/greerga is a low more readable. I personally don't care
what volume I'm on, I just want to access things. I've also seen the VAX
way of changing directories, something about using set and a really long
command line, most people could equate cd a lot easier, even if the
backslashes go the right way in Unix.  Student run Unix machines are often
very effective too.  MUC and MUHCC have demonstrated that with their Unix
machines.  We typically have more time to keep current on software and
answer questions.  And Linux can do just about anything (for free).
George Greer    [log in to unmask] | Genius may have its limitations, but
http://www.ham.muohio.edu/~greerga | stupidity is not thus handicapped.
       Dragon System Administrator |                    -- Elbert Hubbard