Chris Herrmann ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Question:  What's Odd?  The fact ASG has it's web site professionally
: done.  Seems strange to me.
: If this is out of context, then stop me.  But I must concur with some of
: my fellow students and staff members.  I spend two hours talking to Barb
: Edwards discussing the "account space" issue with her.  She told me the
: same things.
: Question:  Why would a student org need to work with a private contractor
: to render services, web wise?
: I know many bright and willing students who love web publishing and want
: the experience before they enter "the real world".  Why doesn't ASG
: utilize these other STUDENTS?
: (Soapbox Time)
: Also, I think is completely unreasonable of our ASG to use it's budget to
: "pay" a company to render it's own website.  I'm sure my fellow students
: would love to get the experience.
Okay.  Now, those of you who know me pretty well are doubtless familiar
with my stringent anti-commercialist rants when it comes to utilization of
the Miami network -- however, I must swallow my pseudo-Proudhon spoutings
and make a couple of comments.
It is my understanding that the ASG web site *is* developed by a
professional, commercial web developer -- Scott Rocke, if I'm not mistaken
-- but I *also* believe that Scott Rocke developed the site for free
(please please please correct me if I'm mistaken) for ASG and, at the time
he did the site, he *was* a Miami student.
- john f.