David Munday wrote:
> When I type: lynx http://www.altavista.digital.com
> lynx comes up and displays altavistas web page just fine
> When I put: altavista :== lynx http://www.altavista.digital.com
> in my login.com file
> and then type: altavista
> I get: %DCL-W-IVVERB, unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling
> \LYNX\
> I've tried all storts of variations on the line in the login.com file, but I'v
> yet to hit on the right one.  What's wrong here?  How do I need to format the
> login line to allow me to define synonyms like this?
LYNX is currently defined to run a .com program that Kent wrote.  If you
add this line to your login.com, you will accomplish what you are
looking for.
Tom Adams