In article <[log in to unmask]>, George <[log in to unmask]>
> I have a program (CircleMUD) I decided I'd port to VMS since no one has
> done it before that I know of.  (There's a Amiga and OS2 and Win95 though)
> I used the command to get myself a decent amount of temporary disk space.
> Now how do I automate compiling?  Typing 'cc file.c' isn't so bad, but I
> really don't want to type 40 .obj files on the command line to link.
> No I'm not going to run it on the VAX if you're wondering :)
> %LINK-F-OPENIN, error opening ACQUIRE_DIR:[GREERGA]*.OBJ; as input
> -LIB-E-NOWILD, no wildcard permitted
> Evil line.  Batch file maybe?
Sure.  "Batch" files on VMS are called command procedures.  They're the
files you've probably seen that end with .COM.  You could put the LINK
command in a command procedure (proceeded by a dollar sign...all commands
in a command procedure must be preceeded by a dollar sign).  For example,
you could create a file called LINKMUD.COM with the following line in it:
    $ LINK FILE1, FILE2, FILE3, FILE4, FILE5, FILE6, FILE7, ....
Another option would be to create an option file with the list of all of
the files that you want to link in it.  For example, you could create a
file called LINKMUD.OPT that has the following lines in it:
Then you could link the files with a command like:
Another option would be to put the object files into a library.  This gets
a little more complicated.  For example, you could issue the following
(This might give an error because we've in effect included MAIN.OBJ twice).
Check out the HELP LIBRARY command for more information.
There is also a facility on VMS that is similar to MAKE.  It's called MMS.
I've used it, but I don't know much about setting up MMS configuration
files.  Issue the HELP MMS command for more information.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]