In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (Andr
ew J. Larson) writes:
>> The disk space on Novell has only recently been approved in principle, and is
>> still in the planning stage, with no target date yet determined.
> this is a great idea... I just dread the learning curve.  trying to explain th
> new Eudora switch is bad enough... it seems simple enough to us, but I don't
> know if the typical student is ready for these things...
> hopefully it won't be too bad of a switch after the coming
> print charging thing. more problems... ;)
The hamilton campus students have been using Eduora and
have had disk space on a server for a year now (and Pegasus
Mail for years before that). Students are quite capable of
dealing with this technology.
You've managed to hit one of my many "pet peeves" this one
being the "can the student handle this change? Is it too
much for them?" one.
Having listened to this line for 15 years, I'm firmly convinced
that the ones who "can't handle it" are the ones who have to
teach it. Not those who have to learn it.  Students are capable
of dealing with durn near anything you throw at them, it's
the faculty who spaz when there are changes.
Of course a good implementation helps.
Stepping off his soapbox....
+  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
Bill Sylvester, Miami University         [log in to unmask]
Never attribute to malice that which     [log in to unmask]
can be adequately explained by stupidity.