> Having listened to this line for 15 years, I'm firmly convinced
> that the ones who "can't handle it" are the ones who have to
> teach it. Not those who have to learn it.  Students are capable
> of dealing with durn near anything you throw at them, it's
> the faculty who spaz when there are changes.
ok...I take back the "i don't know if they can handle it"...
a lot of students I run into are comfortable w/ MiaVX1 and/or MiamiU systems
they've been using for years... they don't either see the need/or want the
change... I guess it's more of a willingness to handle it.  some are willing,
some not...  New Freshmen expect the ease of their home AOL accounts... believe
me...it's a lot for them to handle initially though they will get used to it.
good implementation, as you say, does/would help tremendously!  I am the *only*
"macintosh guy" for all LTCs here... i'm more than willing to help a struggling
student.  However, when the supplied Eudora disk images don't work, it's just
one more thing.  And even when I do get the disks made, when running Eudora,
the "Click Me" icon on the settings disk makes Eudora crash... not only does
this frustrate me and other workers, most importantly it frustrates the
students who are watching this new system fail from over my shoulder.
Novell logins are another.  Logging in... "Netware Encryption vs. Apple
Standard UAMs??...what?"  ...getting them to logout...etc.
anyway...this has gotten off-track from the subject of this newsgroup...