In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
u (Aaron Porter) writes:
>       We were talking about load average over in mu.comp.os.unix and I
> noticed that the load on miavx1 is a whole lot higher than I would think it
> should be with the number of jobs running.  It's been over 20.0 every time
> I've checked today, and has been over 60.0 a number of times.  Has something
> changed recently?
I haven't been watching the load average too much, so I don't know what is
normal for the system, but I wouldn't guess that 20 is too high.
The statistic you're talking about is the number of processes that are
computable (not waiting on I/O, hibernating, etc).  In the afternoons, we
typically have somewhere between 200-250 processes on the system.  I'd
think that having 20 processes that are ready to use the CPU isn't too
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
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