Johanna wrote:
>  >>Have you looked for any literature on 2nd-language teaching for children?
> >> I know that there is a lot of work in this area, and perhaps you are
> >> familiar with it already. I imagine materials that work well for other
> >> languages that are commonly taught to young children, such as English and
> >> Spanish, could be adapted to teach Latin.
Steve replied:
> I don't know this literature.  Can you give titles and authors?  Can you give
> me some examples of materials that you feel would be appropriate here?
> Activities? Methods?
Three books from Addison-Wesley on 2nd-language teaching for
children are a bit 'old' but give you an idea that there must be
much more out there:
_Languages and Children--Making the Match:
Foreign Language Instruction in the Elementary School_  by Curtain
and Pesola (1988)
_Integrating English: Developing English Language and Literacy in the
Multi-Lingual Classroom_ (I think you could adapt activities
suggested in this book for Latin or other foreign languages) by
D. Scott Enright and Mary Lou McCloskey (who have published a lot on
child 2nd language learning)  (1988)
and _Conversations of Miguel and Maria: How Children Learn a Second
Language_ by Linda Ventrigula (1982).
From one of those nasty college-professor-linguists who doesn't know
much about teaching languages to children (everything I know my
elementary-teacher wife taught me).
Mike Medley
R. Michael Medley       VPH 211                Ph: (712) 737-7047
Assistant Professor     Northwestern College
Department of English   Orange City, IA  51041