GSA and GSCA Members:

Please see the post I recieved from the chair of the Colloquium 2000.  I
think that tjis is a fabulous opportunity for graduate studenst at Miami.  I
will keep you informed about this event as things develop.  Please make
copies of this information to share with your peers.

Thanks alot for the response.  As you already know, the Colloquium is on
April 4, 2000.  We will put application forms on the KSU website by the end
of this semester so that every interested student can fill out the form and
e-mail it to our office or just mail it.

The Abstract Submission deadline is on Feb 18.  Those whose abstracts were
chosen for presentation will be required to turn in a summary which must be
received by march 1.

Certificates will be given to all participants and a $50 to the best five
summaries chosen by a board made up Professors and grad students.  These
Award and certificates will be given at the Award Night, which is the
evening (6:00pm)of the Colloquium day.

The theme of the colloquium as you already know is "NO Boundaries: Knowledge
and Culture".  At the Award Night, there will be food, music and movie shows
of all cultural backgrounds and we hope some of your students will appear in
the cultural attire on that day(I know I will). If there is any question,
please do not hesitate to ask me.  I am at your service.  Thanks alot.

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