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August 2006


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"John E. Dews-Alexander" <[log in to unmask]>
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Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Aug 2006 15:05:57 -0700
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  Wow, what a backlog of messages to catch up on!! I've been away from the list again for a while, and I've got a bit of reading to do tonight! What I've read so far is promising though. It sounds like there are squabbles here and there, but for the most part, we are moving forward with promising work.
    I mainly wanted to chime in here to second John's thanks to Gretchen for introducing us/reminding us of other ways to dialog about the work we are undertaking. I know I often forget the abundance of technology out there that makes interaction over the Web possible -- we're not limited to e-mail. The wiki idea is one that I would be happy to get on board with, participate in, and/or assist with in any way possible. I haven't used a public wiki before, but I'd love to learn.
     Thanks, Gretchen!
P.S. If this is your first time with the word wiki, you may be wondering (like I was) where the word comes from. Below is from concerning the word wiki:
  A wiki (IPA: [&#712;w&#618;.ki¢°] <WICK-ee> or [&#712;wi¢°.ki¢°] <WEE-kee>[1]) is a type of website that allows users to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit and change some available content, sometimes without the need for registration. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative authoring. The term wiki can also refer to the collaborative software itself (wiki engine) that facilitates the operation of such a website (see wiki software), or to certain specific wiki sites, including the computer science site (and original wiki), WikiWikiWeb, and the online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia. The first wiki, WikiWikiWeb, is named after the "Wiki Wiki" line of Chance RT-52 buses in Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii. It was created in 1994 and installed on the web in 1995 by Ward Cunningham, who also created the Portland Pattern Repository. "Wiki-wiki" means "hurry quick" in Hawaiian. It also refers to a type of native fish of
 the islands.
John Crow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

You inspired me to check out wikis and you are, in my opinion, absolutely right:  it is an ideal environment for the types of discussions that Scope & Sequence will need to undertake.  I set up a wiki for this fall's classes.  Not sure yet what we will do with it, but the technology is promising. 

Thank you for taking the time to explain how they work and for turning me on to great site, very well supported, and absolutely free for basic services--certainly enough for me and my classes and for ATEG (or NPG) collaborative efforts. 


  On 8/5/06, Gretchen Lee <[log in to unmask]> wrote:         Hi,
  I've just finished putting together a Wiki for my students for this fall to use with vocabulary.  As I was putting it together, it stuck me that it would be perfect for this group to work on grammar scope(s) and sequence(s) collaboratively.
  Just in case you don't know what a wiki is, I'll explain.  Wiki are online spaces where groups of people can edit, link, and upload content on any page in the space. They can be public (anyone can view and edit), protected (anyone can view, members can edit), or private (only members can edit and view).
  Wikipedia is the most famous, but wikis are everywhere. I have one set up for a vocabulary unit. Each page has a sentence from our literature book that uses the vocab word. The students have to add content to each page and make a certain number of edits (I can track the edits backdoor so no one can abuse the system.)  They find examples and explain usage, find pictures that illustrate, connect the word to their lives, books, movies, etc. There is a discussion tab on each page to ask questions, make comments, etc.
  There are numerous examples on the web of wikis that students and/or teachers have made to replace textbooks. Here's an interesting article that discusses wikis:( ).
  Why not start an ATEG grammar wiki? When we were done, we would collaboratively have put together something useful for teachers and students alike.  I envision a splash page with links to different philosophical starting points. From there you can add pages, link to others, upload diagrams, etc.
  I have no idea what the finished project would look like, but wouldn't it be fun to see if the group of dedicated people could at least get something on "paper" to look at?  You want parts of speech? Start a wiki section that uses parts of speech. You prefer word classes? Get together with the people who want word classes and get going!
  It just seems like we are always arguing. I don't get to the conferences (I'm limited to one a year, and I have to go to NCTE), so from the sidelines, it's a bit frustrating so hear all the arguments, and see none of the collaboration.  Here's a way to get everyone involved. And we could get lots of non-ATEG colleagues involved.  Maybe that would help with ATEG numbers.
  I use the free Wikispaces at The only real problems I have are that there's no spell check and that when large numbers of edits are being made at the same time, it's possible overwrite each other. 
  Any thoughts?

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  John (Jed) E. Dews-Alexander
  Instructor, Undergraduate Linguistics
  MA-TESOL/Applied Linguistics Program
  Educator, Secondary English Language Arts
  English Department, 208 Rowand-Johnson Hall (Office)
  University of Alabama

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