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March 1995


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David Fahey <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Alcohol and Temperance History Group <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Mar 1995 10:46:34 EST
text/plain (86 lines)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date: 30 MArch 1995
From: David Fahey <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: ROADMAP
This training program about the Internet via the Internet may
interest you.
It is forwarded from H-Teach.
Date:    Tue, 28 Mar 1995 08:16:43 -0600
From:    tucker hnet <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: INFO: NewbieNews - Internet Training List for New Users
Editor's note: Many of you may have heard of but not participated in one of
the great Roadmap internet training workshops. This sounds like it offers
another chance to do so, but connected up in a list. SWT
Crossposted from [log in to unmask] (Alliance for Computers
& Writing)
>NewbieNewz on [log in to unmask]
>   The NewbieNewz list is for Internet neophytes who seek training.
>   NewbieNewz will be presenting Patrick Crispen's ROADMAP workshop
>   starting on April 10, 1995.  You need to join NewbieNewz to get
>   all of the latest and greatest of this super workshop.
>   This might be a list for you if you want to greatly shorten
>   your learning curve for mastering the basics of
>      - e-mail and using mailing lists
>      - telnet, gopher, ftp, wais, web browsers
>      - finding the right Usenet group for your special interests
>      - learning how to use TCP/IP clients
>      - darned near anything else a "newbie" might want to know
>      - browsing in the World Wide Web
>      - writing HTML documents
>   This might also be a list for you if you want to help others,
>   through a relatively sane forum.  Experienced users are always
>   welcome - to lurk, learn new things, and to contribute with an
>   occasional helping hand by answering a newbie's question or giving
>   a useful pointer to a resource on the Internet.
>   This is a moderated public list.  No flaming is ever passed to the
>   list, but frank discussions are welcome as long as the focus stays
>   upon learning about the Internet.  It is assumed that participants
>   support the general idea of learning how to find out how to do
>   things for themselves, without running into net*cops, flamers,
>   and others who have nothing better to do with their time than to
>   hassle new users.  A general info message can be obtained by sending
>   e-mail to:  [log in to unmask]
>   You subscribe to NewbieNewz by sending a message to
>   [log in to unmask] with this text in the BODY of the message:
>   subscribe NewbieNewz
>   All messages about subscribing, unsubscribing or any other requests
>   must go to the list-request address.  You can send a message with
>   HELP   in the message body if you don't know what you can do.
>   Messages meant to be distributed to all the members of the list
>   should be sent to [log in to unmask]
>   For the ROADMAP '95 announcement, send e-mail to: [log in to unmask]
>   For info about the "Design Our Logo" contest, e-mail: [log in to unmask]
>   Owner:          Don Z'Boray <[log in to unmask]>
>   Assoc. Editor:  Patrick Crispen <[log in to unmask]>
David M. Fahey
History Department
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056-1618, USA
tel. 513-529-5134
FAX 513-529-3841
e-mail: <[log in to unmask]>