November 2017


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Robert Thorn <[log in to unmask]>
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Robert Thorn <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Nov 2017 17:33:25 -0500
text/plain (37 lines)
Things were slow at this MetroPark southeast of Columbus this morning, as
the subject line indicates.  I checked several areas around the park, as
well as nearby Big Walnut Park, finding that the cold weather had not
pushed many new birds into the area.  Even the feeders at the Blacklick
Nature Center were subdued.  The most interesting birds included:

Wood Ducks - 15 were paddling around the pond at the Blacklick Nature Center

Barred Owl - 1 was being harassed by Blue Jays around the Buttonbush Trail
at Blacklick Woods

BrownCreeper - none at Blacklick Woods, but Big Walnut Park had 3 in its
riparian woods

Winter Wren - 1 was in the riparian woods at Big Walnut Park

Tree Sparrow - one was lurking in the weeds around the edge of the feeder
array at Blacklick Nature Center

E.Towhee - 6+ scattered around the trails at Blacklick, and another 1-2 at
Big Walnut

CommonGrackles - big flock (800+ birds) foraging on the ground in the woods
at Blacklick Woods, where I watched them furiously tossing leaves as they
looked for breakfast.


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