May 2022


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Sandra Keller <[log in to unmask]>
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Sandra Keller <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 May 2022 15:14:50 -0400
text/plain (37 lines)
Mary C. and I went on a chase. No success. I only had an hour! It is probably
Still around, just not feeding when we searched. Neat area!

I hope birders can try this late afternoon. 

I was asked where I was numbers wise compared with last year. Way down!
35 less or so in Ohio. I had hit Magee and other areas last spring. No time
This spring. That does make a difference! I don't know where I am relative to
My SW Ohio last year. Way behind I am sure, but I am not chasing like last
Year. Want to concentrate on county listing mainly. The Shrike was close
Enough that I gave it a shot!

I had a few good migrant mornings down here this spring. Next spring I will
Just have to hit wherever the birds are being seen. Which seemed like Sharon
Woods this spring. In Hamilton. I hit for the Kirtlands. That was it! I had a great
Morning in Kentucky. And that morning I chased the western tanager in Clinton
County was pretty good! I am still missing warblers - like Magnolia…. I picked
Up a Black throated Blue yesterday out in Adams county on a butterfly trip. 

And loads of Prairies. Go figure…..

Good birding all.

Sandra Keller

Sent from my iPad mini

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