May 2020


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Robert Thorn <[log in to unmask]>
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Robert Thorn <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 May 2020 17:40:22 -0400
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Lots of neotropicals were on display this morning in the forested hills &
ravines of this huge MetroPark near Lancaster.  We birded Neotoma, Starner
Rd/Creekside, Hemlock Trail, and Fern Trail, and really rarely had a quiet
moment despite the overcast skies.  Numbers were a bit down, but diversity
seemed good.  Notables included:

Woodpeckers - plenty of Red-bellies & Downies, plus a few Hairies,
Flickers, and Pileateds
Flycatchers - calling Gr.Crested in numerous locations; a Acadian singing
in the Fern Tr. ravine; E.Phoebes around Starner Rd
Swallows - only around Creekside Meadows; had a few Rough-wings,Trees, &

Vireos - lots of Red-eyed & Yellow-throated in forested areas.  White-eyed
& Warbling along Creekside Meadows Tr, and Blue-headed around several
hemlock groves

Thrushes - Wood thrushes were almost abundant, calling & singing from many
locations.  other thrushes were much more scarce; only had 1-2 Swainsons

Mimids - only Catbirds, but they were abundant around Creekside Meadows Tr.
Gnatcatchers,Kinglets - some Gnatcatchers, but Kinglets were entirely absent
Warblers - Yellow-rumps, Black-thr.Greens, Ovenbirds, & Hoodeds were most
common, but also had Black&Whites, Nashvilles, Tennessee, Chestnut-sided,
Ceruleans, Parulas, Black-thr.Blues, Prairie (1 at top of Fern Tr.),
Redstarts, Yellows, Kentuckies (very few), ComYellowthroats, both Northern
& Louisiana Waterthrushes

Buntings,Grosbeaks - a few Indigos (all males); only had 2-3 singing
Tanagers - only had Scarlets, but they were common and foraging low to give
great views
Sparrows - small #s of Chipping, Fields, Songs, & White-throated
Orioles - Baltimores at multiple spots along Clear Creek; 1 was even at
hilltop on Fern Tr.
Finches - Goldfinches singing in many locations; also had a Purple Finch
singing at Neotoma


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