February 2022


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Jon Cefus <[log in to unmask]>
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Jon Cefus <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Feb 2022 05:41:27 -0500
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Request for photographs!


The Ohio Ornithological Society (OOS) in cooperation with the Ohio Bird Records Committee (OBRC) is asking for submissions for a photograph of a bird taken in Ohio that will be used for the cover of the upcoming revised Ohio Bird Records Committee Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Ohio book (2022).


The last version of this book was published in 2008.  The book is both an official tally of the number of species of birds accepted by the OBRC in Ohio and a graphical representation of the timing and abundance of birds in Ohio via bar charts and annotations.  It is an invaluable tool for understanding the presence of resident and migratory bird species in Ohio.  The 2022 book should be available for purchase this spring at Ohio birding events/festivals (premiering at the OOS’s Warblers and Wildflowers event at Shawnee State Park) and at Time & Optics in Mt. Hope, OH, a store owned by an Ohio birding family.


There is a limit of 3 color photographs one can submit for the cover.  There is no financial compensation for the photograph selected for the cover, but professional photographers are welcome to submit photos if they wish.  The photographer will get credit for the image in the book. The image area will be approximately 5.25” x 8.5” in a vertical format.


As much as we all love our common birds, like our state bird the Northern Cardinal, we are seeking a high-quality photo of a rarity seen within the past few years.  We are also interested in photos of species that have in recent years become more common in Ohio.  The 2008 cover art is a line drawing of a Merlin, a species that has become much more common in Ohio than in 2008 and was considered a rare migrant.  All the above said, we will strongly consider any image that is of extraordinary quality of a bird photographed in Ohio.


Photo submissions in a digital format (JPEG initially is fine, but higher resolution files might be requested if the photo is selected) should be emailed to Jon Cefus, Secretary of the OBRC, at [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>   Please include the date and location of where the photo was taken.


We look forward to selecting an image for this booklet.  Good luck!  

Jon Cefus

Vice President, OOS
Secretary, OBRC 

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