November 2007


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 12 Nov 2007 10:54:34 -0500626_windows-1252 Birded some on Middle Bass Island last Thursday (11-8)and Friday-(11-
9)not much waterfowl present as there were lots of duck hunters around
also. Did see a Common Loon and Horned Grebe on the east side. Lots of
Double-crested Cormorants passed by on Friday AM-took over five minutes
for the large group to pass by low over the water.
Pat Chrysler reported seeing 5 Red-tailed Hawks and 2 Bald Eagles
flying south together over South Bass on Friday, November 9 around noon.
There seem to be quite a few raptors and Turkey Vultures seen lately
around the islands.
On returning home [...]45_12Nov200710:54:[log in to unmask]
Mon, 26 Nov 2007 21:20:02 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
Dan Sanders and I were crazy enough to go and look for this bird today, a rainy mission. It rained pretty much the entire time, from 9:00am-3:10pm. Luckily when the bird finally showed up in its favorite tree to the right of the galvanized gate, the rain had let up a bit. It was calling distinctively and flicking its wings. It put on a show for 5 minutes or so and then dove into the underbrush. We were unable to see it again for the few moments we waited. Hey, we were tired (six hours? I'm nuts). It was great to have success. So anyways, just thought I'd let you all know the bird is still around. 

  Earlier around 11:00 am. While Bruce Glick held down the Grosbeak spot with instructions to call us, Dan and I went over to the feeders at the Oak Openings park. lots of activity but not a whole lot of variety. Best birds were several Red-breasted Nuthatches and a lone PINE SISKIN, mixed in with the Goldfinches. Also there was a flock of nice Eastern Blue-birds. Too bad we didn't know the Snowy Owl had been refound, we may have gone for that too. No biggie, the PIGR was the prize. Yea!

  Well, back to my school work, Good Birding everyone, 

          - Ben Warner

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